Register now for Certified Network Defender and Certified Ethical Hacker

Technology Center of Excellence, a joint venture of Western Balkans University and Israeli company Gold n’Links, is organizing training courses Certified Network Defender (CND) and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), 40 hours each, powered by the EC-Council.

Bonus on these two courses is Certified Cybersecurity Technician (CCT) course, which consists of 20 hours.

These courses start on 2/10/2023,  at Western Balkans University in Tirana.


Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) 60 hours (CCT included)

Module 1 – Basics
Information Security Threats and Vulnerabilities ↘ Information Security Attacks ↘ Network Security Fundamentals ↘ Identification, Authentication, and Authorization ↘ Network Security Controls: Administrative Controls ↘ Network Security Controls: Physical Controls ↘ Network Security Controls: Technical Controls ↘ Network Security Assessment Techniques and Tools ↘ Application Security ↘ Virtualization and Cloud Computing ↘ Wireless Network Security ↘ Mobile Device Security ↘ Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT) Security ↘ Cryptography ↘ Data Security ↘ Network Troubleshooting ↘ Network Traffic Monitoring ↘ Network Log Monitoring and Analysis ↘ Incident Response ↘ Computer Forensics ↘ Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ↘Risk Management
Module 2 – Ethical Hacking
Introduction to Ethical Hacking ↘ Foot printing & Reconnaissance ↘ Scanning Networks ↘ Enumeration ↘ Vulnerability Analysis ↘ System Hacking ↘ Malware Threats ↘ Sniffing ↘ Social Engineering ↘ Denial-of-Service ↘ Session Hijacking ↘ Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots ↘ Hacking Web Servers ↘ Hacking Web Applications ↘ SQL Injection ↘ Hacking Wireless Networks ↘ Hacking Mobile Platform ↘ IoT and OT Hacking ↘ Cloud Computing ↘ Cryptography

Certified Network Defender (CND) 60 Hours (CCT included)

Module 1 – Basics
Information Security Threats and Vulnerabilities ↘ Information Security Attacks ↘ Network Security Fundamentals ↘ Identification, Authentication, and Authorization ↘ Network Security Controls: Administrative Controls ↘ Network Security Controls: Physical Controls ↘ Network Security Controls: Technical Controls ↘ Network Security Assessment Techniques and Tools ↘ Application Security ↘ Virtualization and Cloud Computing ↘ Wireless Network Security ↘ Mobile Device Security ↘ Internet of Things (IoT) and Operational Technology (OT) Security ↘ Cryptography ↘ Data Security ↘ Network Troubleshooting ↘ Network Traffic Monitoring ↘ Network Log Monitoring and Analysis ↘ Incident Response ↘ Computer Forensics ↘ Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ↘Risk Management
Module 2 – Network Defending
Network Attacks and Defense Strategies ↘ Administrative Network Security ↘ Technical Network Security ↘ Network Perimeter Security ↘ Endpoint Security-Windows Systems ↘ Endpoint Security-Linux Systems ↘ Endpoint Security- Mobile Devices ↘ Endpoint Security-IoT Devices ↘ Administrative Application Security ↘ Data Security ↘ Enterprise Virtual
Network Security ↘ Enterprise Cloud Security ↘ Wireless Network Security ↘ Network TrafficMonitoring and Analysis ↘ Network Logs Monitoring and Analysis ↘ Incident Response and Forensic Investigation ↘ Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery ↘ Risk Anticipation with Risk Management ↘ Threat Assessment with Attack Surface Analysis ↘ Threat Prediction with Cyber Threat Intelligence

One course Fee: 1250 euro
Certification by E-Council is optional. The price does not include the fee for the CEN and CND exam and certification offered by E-Council.


Technology Center of Excellence is a joint venture of Western Balkans University and Gold n’Links.